
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Stop this CAPTCHA verification, I'm not a robot, I'm just dyslexic.

This post is borne of my big frustration against CAPTCHA has dyslexic user. Once against society decided to lock us more out and make a new barrier that made it very more difficult to use web site.

Each time when you want to create an account or just write a comment on site, they want us to verify if we are human or robot using this indecipherable CAPTCHA image.

CAPTCHA is an acronym for “Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart.”

You have to read the text, then enter the characters you see into a form. Then, and only then, can you complete the transaction, but if you're dyslexic like me and have difficulty to read event normal letter; this job become a difficult one. And some site have limitations time to try to do this and after you get block for all the days; it's happen to my often to be block after 5 times on forums.

CAPTCHAs are meant to prevent robots from spamming or overvoting or whatever it is that computer robots do in their spare time; but what if I'm not a robot but just Dyslexic. Some sites  using CAPTCHA have added an audio option, thinking this will probably makes them feel more good about helping dyslexic or blind people. But really did someone try to do it, those audio CAPTCHAs are far more difficult to do than the textural one, and some of them are just impossible!

I'm not a robot because I'm dyslexic and cannot read this CAPTCHA; Dyslexics are 'Humans'. But I doubt when they invented this they didn't think about it and didn't think this would be one of the more insulting & effective barrier to the dyslexic web user to be tell that because they cannot read this they must not be Humans. And event me sometime I give up on my registration on some web sites because of this, this make them lost many users like me.

Let take an example look at the picture belows, I'm dyslexic and I cannot for the life of god decipher the last image in the graphic, or just figure out whether the second is an U or a V or an I that is so near the first b, nor whether the fourth one is O or Q or an over sized lower case a.

And of course when you fail the first round they give you another one to do like this one bellows. The 3 one is a h or li or a 1i, I cannot figure this out and if you lose this round some site block your account for all the days till tomorrow and you get really frustrated, because they tell you that you failed the test so you're not human.

The problem with this of course, it that why they wanted to create these barriers this is simply unnecessary. This are supposed to be created to detect internet spammers, who use software bots to post advertisements, links to malicious software, or to attempt to launch denial of service attacks on web sites. Not to block dyslexic people from it or blind people.

There is other alternatives like calculus image; these are other tools that web designers can use to trap or trick the spam-bots, without creating barriers for their human users.
For me the difference between a human and a computer is simple, and should not be tested with these CAPTCHA. A computer is a robot or a machine and an human is someone that deserves to be treated with equal chances and some respect.

A petition to sign to stop these CAPTCHA TEST:


  1. I would also like to tell the blog authorities that they need to create a one more box for such patients to be asked or remove such verification with the help of because the patient is unable to differentiate among the words and are unable to use the blog effectively.

  2. A CAPTCHA is a type of challenge-response test used in computing in order to determine whether or not the user is human and it requires from the user to type distorted images etc. The best dissertation writing services are also sometimes protected by using techniques of CAPTCHA by many companies.
