
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Growth Mindset

The Dr.Carol Dweck published an very interesting and important article about a study she make around 373 middle school students.

She ask every student the same and unique simple question: Is intelligence something very basic that can't really change ?

The answer was divided into 2 group :

- The fixed mindset that said no it's cannot change.
- And The malleable mindset that said yes this can change and growth, she call them the Growth Mindset.

And she realize that the first categories the fixed mindset are more worried about looking smart than learning, they don't like to try news think because failing make them look stupid.

In the other case the malleable or the growth mindset are more interested in learning and love to try, event if they do mistake because they think of it as learning. And seem to think that the they next time they will do better and so on.

The Growth mindset was having some attribute that the fixed mindset was not having:
- Effort,
- Using strategies,
- And provided seeking.

Check the full article there:

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